37 BarLYSO(
const char* inputFilename, Int_t threadID);
82 void SetSamplingTimes();
83 void SetFrontWaveform(Int_t channel, Double_t start);
126 inline void SetHisto_A(Double_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max)
153 inline void SetEvents(Int_t events) { EVENTS = events; }
156 inline DAQ *GetDAQ()
const {
return fDAQ; }
164 std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>>
165 std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>>
166 std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>> fTimes_F;
167 std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>> fTimes_B;
184 std::string GenerateOutputFilename(
const char *inputFilename);
186 TFile *fOutFile =
187 TTree *fOutTree =
205 Double_t
Wave_OnePhel(Double_t t, Double_t A, Double_t tau_rise, Double_t tau_dec, Double_t timePhel);
Class for managing waveform construction for all events and channels.
Double_t fHisto_Tau_dec[3]
Settings for histogram hPars related to parameter Tau_dec: [0] for number of bins,...
TRandom3 * fRandNoise
Random generator for Add_Noise()
Int_t fEvent
Number of events in the run.
std::string fInputFilename
Name of the txt file of the best fit parameters data. See the introduction for more details about the...
std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > fBack
Container for Back-Detector waveforms: a 3-dimensional matrix with indices for event,...
Double_t fChargeCuts[2]
Cuts in the charge spectrum of input best fit parameters data; [0] represents the minimum,...
void SetSigmaNoise(Double_t newSigmaNoise)
Set fSigmaNoise, the noise of the DAQ.
void SaveEvent()
Saves all the samples from fFront and fBack into a text file.
void InitializeBaselines(Int_t event)
Method to initialize the entire fFront and fBack with a noise baseline.
void SetInputFilename(std::string newInputFilename)
Set the name of the text file of the best fit parameters data.
void SetParsDistro()
Sets the 3D histogram hPars.
Double_t Add_Noise()
Returns the value of the noise.
BarLYSO(const char *inputFilename, Int_t threadID)
Constructor of the class.
void SetBackWaveform(Int_t channel, Double_t start)
Method to add a I-Phel waveform to the corresponding event and channel of the Back-Detector.
TH3D * hPars
3D Histogram of One-Phel waveform parameters from which sampling will occur
Double_t fHisto_A[3]
Settings for histogram hPars related to parameter A: [0] for number of bins, [1] for the lower limit,...
void SetHisto_Tau_rise(Double_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max)
Set the number of bins, the lower and the upper limit related to parameter Tau_rise for the histogram...
void ClearContainers()
Method to add a I-Phel waveform to the corresponding event and channel of the Front-Detector.
Destructor of the class.
void SetHisto_A(Double_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max)
Set the number of bins, the lower and the upper limit related to parameter A for the histogram hPars.
Double_t Wave_OnePhel(Double_t t, Double_t A, Double_t tau_rise, Double_t tau_dec, Double_t timePhel)
Returns the value at t of the analytical form of the One Photo-Electron waveform.
TRandom3 * fRandPars
Random generator for SetFrontWaveform() and SetBackWaveform()
Int_t GetID() const
Returns the ID of the Monte Carlo.
Double_t fHisto_Tau_rise[3]
Settings for histogram hPars related to parameter Tau_rise: [0] for number of bins,...
Int_t GetEvents() const
Returns the number of events in the run.
Double_t fSigmaNoise
Noise of the DAQ, evaluated as the stDev of the pedestal distribution.
void SetHisto_Tau_dec(Double_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max)
Set the number of bins, the lower and the upper limit related to parameter Tau_dec for the histogram ...
void SetChargeCuts(Double_t min, Double_t max)
Set the cuts in the charge spectrum of input best fit parameters data.
Int_t fID
Run ID of the Monte Carlo.
std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > fFront
Container for Front-Detector waveforms: a 3-dimensional matrix with indices for event,...
Double_t fSigmaNoise
Noise of the DAQ, evaluated as the stDev of the pedestal distribution.
Definition of global constant values for the simulation.